The Summer of Weddings
If you, like me you have been lucky enough to have bagged a wedding invitation this summer, anxiety might be kicking in.
1. How do I fit into clothes that already stop fitting me comfortably half way into lockdown ?
2. How do I style my hair when all the Salons locally are fully booked for months
3, How do i style my curly kids hair - and yes, unbelievably, all 4 were lucky enough to bag the much coveted invitation that sees them enjoy and watch a celebration of love after all the chaos of the last 18 month.
So here are my tips
How do I fit into my PreCovid clothes
Buy new clothes -
instant stress free way that stops you dwelling on your body shape, and gives you a little boost.
Trying to squeeze into your clothes just leads to despair, extreme dietiing which can be pretty damaging to your body in the short and long term and negative body image.
You are what you are and your pre Covid clothes are what they are.
Firstly, acknowledge it and use this as an opportunity to put your stake into the ground. Today could be day 0 and use it as an incentive to get fitter and healthier.
If you are intending to get fitter and healthier don't bin your old clothes.Put a plan in place to make targets - make the goals realistic.
How do I style my kids hair for weddings
We have several on our Instagram account from our CurlyEllie community over time with some fab hair styles that are wedding ready and can last all day even when the evening celebration ends

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